Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Favorite Place in Austria

My friend and former roommate from my first two years in Austria came back to help me pack, move and say good-bye. Sandi and I took a trip to one of our favorite places in Austria - Hallstatt - during her visit. It was wonderful to get away for a few days, enjoy the sights, and relax in the midst of a big transition. Here we stand in front of the guest house we stayed in. Haus Lidy stands in a valley between the mountains that are so much a part of this quaint town.
On our first day in Hallstatt, Sandi and I rode a funicular up the mountain and took a tour of the salt mine. It was fascinating to learn about how salt is mined and, of course, we enjoyed sliding down the wooden slides to different levels of the mine. The lights in this photo are surrounded by chunks of salt.
This is the view of Hallstatt from the lake. The houses are built along the shore and up into the side of the mountain. We wandered through the town, enjoying the scenery and stopping in gift shops as we went. Salt, in many forms, is a major export in this town.
Each morning, our hosts served us breakfast in this breakfast room. We ate soft-cooked eggs, semmel roles with meat and cheese or jam, and tea. It was a lovely way to start the day.
This is a view of Hallstattersee (Hallstatt Lake) from the top of the funicular. The weather was gorgeous during our visit and the time with Sandi was such a gift.

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