I spent the 4th of July weekend at my grandparents' cottage in WI. It was great to see my cousins and spend time with them. We swam in the lake most of the day on Saturday. We also went to the water ski and firework shows. Below, we took in the Waupaca 4th of July Parade. We managed to collect a gallon Ziploc bag of candy and 4 fishing poles! Well done, team Schroeder!
Over the 4th of July weekend, I met my niece Anna Louise! It's official: she's as cute in person as in her pictures. What fun to watch her and hold her. She already knows what she likes (eating, sleeping, mom and dad) and what she doesn't like (being wet, being hungry, and getting passed around from person to person). It was neat to see my brother and sister-in-law caring for her with such gentleness and skill. They clearly know her different cries and love her lots!
This is my favorite picture from the weekend I spent with Anna. Grandpa held her after lunch and they both fell asleep.
Sandi picked me up in Chicago when I arrived this summer and we spent the first few days together in the Chicago area. It was WONDERFUL to see her and have extended time to talk and hang out together! One evening we drove along the Fox River and found a very green park to walk through. We ate dinner out on the deck of an authentic Mexican restaurant and then headed back to the park for a cheap round of mini-golf in the last hour before they closed for the night. Good times with a good friend!
Between the end of school and my flight home to the States, I had the opportunity to go to Paris. It was my first time back since moving to Austria. The weather was perfect and the city was beautiful. Above, see a view of the city from the towers of Notre Dame Cathedral. Below, looking up at Sacre Coeur with summer flowers in the foreground.
I stayed with my friend Anna during my visit. It was fun to catch up on 5 years of life and to be out around the city together. The first night I was there was Fete de la Musique - musicians were performing on sidewalks, street corners and in parks all over the city. Anna took me to one of her favorite restaurants which served up huge, delicious salads in metal mixing bowls!
The best surprise of my visit was running into a former student from L'Etoile du Nord School in MN. Moira was visiting Paris with her sisters and mom. We spent the afternoon touring Notre Dame together, while I got an update on where former students and teachers have ended up. Such fun to see friendly faces in the middle of such a big city!
Another student, Emily, was baptized by her dad along with her two older sisters. It was exciting to see these girls take this step in their faith journey with God.