Meet John, Josh, Scott, Carrie, Beth, Melissa M., Whitney, RheaAnne, Melissa H., Nick, Leslie, and Amanda. These new staff members are excited to be here and eager to get this next school year off to a great start. Already, they have been a fun and easy group to get to know and I'm looking forward to working alongside them this year!
These friends helped me celebrate the end of my summer German course with Viennese "Eis" (ice cream). This sweet treat was tasty on a hot day and I'm so thankful I was able to take a German course this summer.
My friend and former coworker from St. Paul, Kelsey, came to visit for a week at the end of July. It was so much fun to show her around Vienna and catch up on life together. Here we pose from the Gloriette behind Schonbrunn Palace, summer palace of the Hapsburg family who ruled Austria for many years.
My coworkers and neighbors, Jeff and Bethany, and their friend Jamie toured the Opera House with me after German class one day this summer. My favorite part of the tour was seeing the backstage area and learning about how they change the sets for the different operas and ballets that are performed there.
This is me with one of my summer tutoring students. Yun Ju was a student in my classroom last year. Her family is moving to Slovakia this month and she will continue her schooling there. We will miss her at VCS, especially her cheerful and friendly spirit.